I have been interested in seeing Palantir, among all tech firms, wade into the health sector. While skepticism should be always in play, especially (as we have learned during Covid) in times of crisis, Palantir is trusted by our US armed forces to keep them situationally aware, and coordinate their awesome might. Including the most vulnerable “boots on the ground.” Provided transparency is inherent in Mr. Thiel’s involvement, you won’t find better command of information and communication technology. Prove me wrong, and I will be surprised. Godspeed. The ham handed have failed to accomplish much with info comm tech to date in our swamped health sector. And we must face the reality that clinicians have been harassed and harnessed as tools by tech to date, not aided in the battle against disease and injuries. Something has got to emerge that is quite different than the status quo, for our deliverance.

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Many thanks, Richard, for your comments and insights.

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